Lately I've been thinking about putting together a page with links to all my social networking profiles. Then when I started making the page, it occurred to me that I'm on a lot more than I thought, especially if you count sites like Flickr and Digg, which aren't specifically social network sites but allow you to designate "friends" and such.
So, anyway, here's where you can find links to a bunch of my social networking profiles:
My list currently includes Twitter, Facebook, MySpace, Jaiku, Digg, Flickr, Ma.gnolia,, Orkut, and The Zune Social (uh, no, I don't own a Zune, but I had to create an account to submit my podcasts to the Zune podcast directory). Feel free to add me to your networks!
Update, 25 Dec 2007: Added Pownce and Slashdot.
Update, 14 Jan 2008: Added LinkedIn and YouTube.